Mon 27 Jan
Unmatched Service & Beauty * NEW * The HOTTEST Platinum BLONDE!! OCEANSIDE INCALLS & Outcalls - 21
(North County Coastal)
___ U____N____F ____O ____ R ____ G____ E____T____T ____ A____ B____L ____E_ ASIAN/WHITE - 23
(Hotel circle and your place from OC BABY)
* U _N _F _O _R _G _E _T _T _A _B _L _E *_____* LATINA & SEXY *_____* H _O _T _T _I E * - 25
(La Jolla)
NEW 👠 👠Consumate Companion for the Upscale 💋Gentleman "NATALIE" 616-250-9058 - 33
(Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids Mi)
*~ HoT PrEttY mixed LAtINa *INCALL SPeCIaLs INCALL SPeCIaLs ! *BoDy RuBs AVaILaBLe * ~* - 23
(East Valley, I-10 & BASELINE)
+*//*+ UnBeLivAble SPECIALS +*//*+ TiGhT{{ P * * * * }}On YouR HaRD {{C * * * }} - 21
(Private ChULA VISTA I/C O/C 2 U)
ULTIMATE BLONDE COMPANION ~~** 1000% real ~~** petiete playmate DONT MISS ~~ LAST DAY IN TOWN* - 20
(City of San Diego, OutCalls all over San Diego)
* HoT & FrIeNdLy BlondE TotAl KnOcKoUt *** 140hr ALL NIGHT LONG! *** CaLl NoW IC/OC - 21
(West Valley, PHX IC/ OUT)
New# 616*228*7047 💞AsK FoR 2 GiRL💕 $PeCiAl$💓💗 (InCall Only) ⭐ AvAiLAbLe ALL NiGhTT!!New - 26
(All Over, Grand Rapids)
LOOK NOW► *OPN-MíNDD* FUN-Size B@bi *❤* %100 R@L $95 DAL!! - 21
(Plainfield/Leonard-in/out 24hrs)
** @ # @ # HOT HOT GIRL NEXT DOOR TYPES!!!! Waiting for you!! # @ # @ **
(CE PHOENIX or Valleywide O/C)
This is the place where you always get what you REALLY WANT... - 48
(Escondido, North SD County, San Diego)
★NEW in TOWN★ SEXY and READY for FUN ★ 100% REAL PICS♥ face pics ♥ ALIZA ♥ - 22
(Grand Rapids, IN AND OUT CALL)
~~~ *** HoT & FrIeNdLy BlOnDe KnOcKoUt *** ~~~ AVAILABLE ALL WEEK LONG! *** ~~~ CaLl NoW! - 25
(outcall most areas-100% REAL PICS)
Tired of Girls Not Giving You What you Really Want? Call a Real Freak Now!!!! - 21
(San Diego, ♛ Incall/Mission Valley ♛)
* Honolulu Honey * ( Hotel & Resort Friendly ) * Independent, real pics, real beauty * - 30
(West Valley In/Out call)
The Sweetest Most Delicious Exotic Dish you will taste in your life(GREAT SPECIAL) - 23
(my place or yours)
- THICK__Forget All The ResT___ -(¯`v´¯) Y O U __ D E S E R V E __ T H E __ B E S T (¯`v´¯) - 28
(City of San Diego, countywide ins/outs)
Hot As Phoenix--- ♡BlOnDE BeAuTY☆☆☆ 100 Special☆☆☆ - 22
(East Valley, eastvalley scottsdale/incall only)
This. Red. head can. do. what. U really need AND will have u. on. your KNEES ( $90 ) - 32
(City of San Diego, Waring Rd. exit, Off 8 Fwy)
•❤•LeTS PL@Y UR W@Y•❤• 💋ExOTiC HOttIe •❤•I WoN't SToP UNTiL U GeT eNoUGH•❤• - 25
(Western Slope, 💋 UR BED or MINE 💋 Specials till 10)
MåGïÇ•MøÑDåY ••• Slim Se×x×y BlondBunnYS ••• Tøø HøT ta HåNDLē - 23
(Airport GR. In/out. 24/7, Grand Rapids)
☆ LiL ☆ BLoNDe ☆ GiRL ☆☆ -X-X-X- RaTeD ☆ FuN ☆ U MuST C ☆ WaLKiNS WeLCoMe NoW ☆ - 27
☆ H¡GHL¥ §K¡LD ☆ And F®e@ky 2 The Core ☆ 75*SpEciAL* - 22
(East Valley, Mesa / Alma School & 60 freeway)
~~LEANNA - Italian exquisite -sexy and alluring - Hot Secretary!! Taking the week off for playtime! - 35
(Denver, Near Denver - Northfield shops)
*°. TH!CK TENDER & ADD!CTiVE .°* SUPER-BOOTy *°. do WHAT you LIKE im YOURS.° - 26
(san diego--70 InCall Special--)
The Best In Town ♡ Mixed Hottie ♡ Perfect Curves ♡ Unforgetable Experience Guaranteed♡ Exotic ♡ - 20
(South SD County, San Diego / Outcall all over!)
_:**~** HEY FELLAS!! COME end YOUR night RIGHT with this Latin BEAUTY!! $$100 SPECIALS 100$$ **~**:_ - 23
(East Valley, I17 and Thomas, (702) 409-3603)
The BEST HANdS DOwN!!!! -----> PReTTy Face; COkE bOTTLE ShaPe!! MUST SEE!! Neww PICS - 20
(North SD County, incall : oceanside)
👑💎Leaving 2Maro💎 👑💎DONT MISS OUT Come See My FREAKY UNLIMITED Specials💎👑 - 26
(Denver, 225 and illiff incall only)
Texas Finest *Small & Tall* Blonde CO-ed. Country Doll. Pm Specials Hurry Boys - 19
( T✪TAL ❌👊👊 KN✪CK✪UT ❌)) 🎥💋★Wild [VIXEN]★ [BOMBSHELL] ◆ Upscale & Discreet!😍 ◆ Available Now👅 - 21
(City of San Diego, Mission Valley, San Diego)
»»»» HoT SpRiNg BlONdE ««« pic is me or it's free - 32
(Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids & Surrounding Areas)